Banksia Montessori School is an independent school located in the friendly suburb of Dianella in Perth.
We run a quality driven Montessori program for children between 3 and 6 years of age.
All our children are given the opportunity to learn in a nurturing and inviting environment. Our goal for
each child is to realise their unique potential. We provide an enriching environment where our teachers
guided by Montessori philosophy, encourage independence, creativity and mindfulness in a non-competitive, non-judgemental environment.
Banksia Montessori School is governed by parents through an appointed School Council comprising of
up to 10 members, including the Principal and Business Manager of the School.
Banksia relies on the goodwill and active participation of all parents to govern it so parents are encouraged
to become a member of the Council during their child’s enrolment at the School.
Council meetings are held monthly among the Council members to preview and discuss strategic priorities of the School. Parent Council meetings are held once per term between the Council and the Parent
body to provide updates and inputs on the School’s progress.
The dates of Parent Council meetings for the year are included in the School Calendar and posted on
the blackboards a few days before a meeting, as well as being placed in the school’s newsletter. One
Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held in Term 2 every year.